Oddly enough, Bakuryu the mole and Uriko, the boss from BR1 are back, except that they both look like teenagers now. The difference is that they took out the characters Mitsuko (the female boar, yuck!), Greg (the monkey man), and Hans (the girly-looking fox guy), and replaced them with four new characters - Marvel (the leopard girl), Busuzima (the chameleon), Jenny (the bat chick), and Stun (the insect).

The problem is that it is a repeat of the first game. Basically, the game is a subtle repeat of what the first one was, which is a good thing. The soundtrack, and all its thrashy hard-rock ways, suits the mood just fine and matches the aggressive dueling, beat for beat. Graphically, the game is as gorgeous as the first installment - in fact, it looks almost exactly the same, with beautiful light-sourcing, speedy 60fps action, and all sorts of special effects when switching into beast mode. While there isn't anything as luxurious as a Tekken Force mode or an RPG mode, most gamers usually don't fret over such details, and won't miss them here either. There's also the extra customs menu, where you can select things like the big-head modes and other stuff also found in the first game. Upon starting up Bloody Roar 2, no one can deny the wealth of features available at the outset: arcade mode, story mode, training, survival, time attack, etc. Now that the sequel has emerged, will the fighting genre see another step in the evolution of fighters? Unfortunately not. The American version went one step further by adding a sidestep, a feature sorely lacking in the Japanese version. The fast, furious fighting found in the game made playing other fighters of the time (Dead or Alive, Street Fighter EX) seem tedious and sluggish by comparison. Eighting/Raizing, whose previous effort was the critically acclaimed shooter Soukyugurentai, practically came out of nowhere with this savvy blend of anthropomorphic/lycanthropic combatants.
We’ll update if we do.When Bloody Roar first appeared on the fighting-game map a little more than a year ago, it was a refreshing surprise by a development team not known for fighters. Prior to learning that the account was fake, we reached out to Konami early this morning in light of the odd tweets, asking whether Hudson’s Twitter had been compromised in some way, but have received no reply. For now, we’re going with the likely assumption that the account is indeed fake. This morning, the person managing the Twitter account posted: “NEW BLOODY ROAR 5 IMAGE!” Clicking on the tweet directed one to the image on the right.Īnother tweet posted a few minutes later stated: “Bloody roar doesn’t have a chance against SF, TK, SC. The reality of the situation is, the Twitter feed appears to be manned by someone that’s been “role-playing” as Hudson very convincingly since March 2011. The announcement was made via what everyone believed to be Hudson’s official Twitter account. This past weekend, Hudson announced Bloody Roar 5, a reboot of the series, for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, slated for a 2012 release…or did they?